18 October 2014

Chairman's Report 2014

This year has been a quiet one for the association. Equipment has performed well and maintenance checks have usually been able to be undertaken when visits to the sites for other purposes have been undertaken enabling us to minimise costs.
Progress on the channel 60 (Emerson Street) repeater has been slower than planned but a funding application is pending and considerable progress has been made on building the equipment.
The provision of weather reports has become increasingly hard to maintain over the period with the loss of operators at Moeraki and at the Nuggets. Today, weather reports can easily be obtained from a variety of sources. It is therefore likely we that we will have to dispense with the Midday report as this has become the most difficult to maintain. Reporting of an active fronts’ progress up the coast should not be affected. It is hoped, however, to still provide a midday service on holiday weekends etc when there are large numbers of craft on the water. The committee is also looking into the possibility of a service providing reports on conditions further south than the present channel 22 provides.
A big thank you to all those who have been instrumental in bringing the rules revision to its final draft especially Ian Milne and Mike Harkness. This project has been in progress for several years and it is good to see it in its final form.
A visit was made to the Karitane fishermans’ group during the year. A substantial donation by this group is appreciated.
A special thank you must go to Martin Balch and Keith Simon for the weather scheds, the staff at Port Otago Harbour Control, and Ted and Jim at Oamaru for their part in the condition reports. Input from those at Tautuku over holiday periods is also appreciated

Vern Hall