12 June 2014


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Use of the Otago Maritime VHF network. We depend on membership and volunteers to continue operating our three linked repeaters (Ch 62, 64, 66) covering the Otago coast. You can join by phoning 0800 837 2346, or sending your subscription to OMVHF Assn, PO Box 2120, South Dunedin
2. Trip Reports. Our network is staffed by volunteers who may not always be available. Otago Harbour Control (Ch 14) will take TRs on our network if there is no response from our operators. If a TR cannot be taken on our network we advise calling ‘Chalmers Maritime Radio’ on Ch 16.

3. Call signs. Call signs are assigned to a vessel not a person and should alwaysbe used in an emergency situation. Vessels using VHF (or SSB) are legally required to have a call sign.

4. The scheduled times for Marine Forecasts & Shore Station Reports are –0700, 1200, 1900 hours.

5. Shore station weather reports. We suggest the following template for weather reports – clouds, conditions (atmospheric, sea), wind (strength, direction), barometric pressure, temperature, tide (if applicable).

6. Representation on the Committee. There is provision in our rules for group representation on the committee. At present the Otago Yacht Club, Tautuku Fishing Club and the Port Chalmers Yacht Club have representatives.  More would be welcome.