Annual Repeater Report 2010-2011
The major change this year was the completion of the new linking system to the Hina Hina Hill site enabling us to close down the Emerson Street site and cancel the respective licences.
Cape Wanbrow, Channel MM 66 has needed no maintenance this year. When possible, we are continuing to run tests on the site to confirm it is not being interfered with by other services – so far nothing conclusive has been found.
Hautai Hill, Channel MM 62 had several weather related power failures but in all occasions, service continued uninterrupted on the back-up battery supply. The landlord is extending his farm sheds over our buried cable so work has been undertaken to mark the cable route and allow the landlord to do his foundation work. At some time, we will need to excavate the lower half of the cable and re-route it much deeper as the farmer cannot cultivate the paddock it crosses as the existing cable is too shallow. The repeater has required no work during the year.
Hina Hina Hill, Channel MM 64. This site had a power failure that required a visit. It was found our power supply had disappeared and we were sharing a power supply and battery with DOC. The DOC power supply had failed and the battery had also failed. We believe it was our battery. A new battery and power supply were installed and the two systems separated. A re-furbished set of radios were subsequently installed with the new linking system. The aerials all tested fine.
Tests have been approved and will be carried out shortly to see if the Emerson Street site can be used to enhance coverage into the city beaches and Kaka Point area, known coverage shadow areas at present.
Generally, the system continues to provide excellent service to our target areas, and to many areas beyond our targets with continued good response to our weather information services.
All equipment is in good condition and working well but it must be recognised that with the exception of the Cape Wanbrow installation, most of our aerials, aerial infrastructure and repeaters radios are now fully or near fully depreciated and over 10 years old. There is no immediate need to replace any equipment and we hold adequate spare transceivers, but within 5 years, we will have to budget for some replacements.
Martin Balch
Repeater Trustee